A New Approach to Catholic Education
John Paul the Great Montessori Academy“Do not be afraid. Do not be satisfied with mediocrity. Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” – Pope John Paul II

Looking to the Future
Growth in a Rural Setting
The goal of JPGMA is to find a beautiful, safe, and rural location to put our roots down. In this environment of God’s beautiful creation, our young men and women will learn and grow. The Montessori ideal of the farm school can begin to take shape and develop. This space would allow students to work the land, take responsibility for it, garden, play in the fields, and develop their trades and entrepreneurial abilities.
Our mission includes the preservation and protection of the rural community.

Rethinking Catholic Education
Spiritual & Academic growth for your Kids
We are rethinking Catholic Montessori Education. JPGMA is pro-family and pro-child. We see the Montessori Method as a beautiful opportunity to observe, address, and meet the needs of each individual child. Our goal is to serve the child not the Method.
Stay Up to date
Our News & Announcements
JPGMA is committed to providing clear and open lines of communication. Important Updates are communicated to parents in weekend emails.
JPGMA Apparel Store is Live!
Purchase school swag from the link below. Profits from all orders go to JPGMA!
School Meals
Monday – Chic-fil-A
Wednesday – Sol y Luna
Friday – Anthony’s Pizza